Student Testimonals


Rayhan Marfiano Rosyada | Management 2019 | IISMA 2022 Awardee, University of Pécs, Hungary

During the program, it was absolutely an eye-opening experience for me. I was able to learn beyond what I have learned in FEB UGM. As a Business Management student, I could broaden my business knowledge in the tourism industry by taking Tourism Management and Tourism Geography courses. Aside from that, I also got the chance to learn a piece of truly new knowledge by taking Introduction to Film Studies and Cultural Heritage of Pécs courses. Moreover, I could expand my network by making new friends from all over the world. I made new friends from Hungary, France, Cambodia, China, and South Korea. If someone asked what was the best thing that I got during the exchange program, I’m going to say that I got more confidence in myself. And I always believe that confidence is the key to almost everything, including the future career path. Therefore, I can safely say that it was truly worth every sacrifice and I will never take it for granted.

Christina Panjaitan | Accounting 2019 | Vienna University, Austria

Throughout the program, I really enjoyed the academic and non academic experiences, as even when the courses are held everyday throughout the program, the committee had also successfully adjusted several social events that helped me to get to know the city of Vienna more, its culture and most importantly the other participants that came from all over the world. There have been several social events such as city tours, company visits, guest speakers, hikings, dancing classes, get togethers and even sports events.

Ratri Mahanani | Management 2019 | Jeonbuk National University, South Korea

I am grateful for UGM's collaboration with the host university I attended, Jeonbuk National University (JBNU). The JBNU scholarships were generous and such a good deal considering the advantages I experienced. JBNU provided me with an abundance of information and guidance. The staff and students truly cared about me and were very helpful, and the professors were really passionate about what they did. The 24-hour library during exam time and the weekly cultural outing for international students which were sponsored by JBNU University are the things I would miss the most.

The opportunity to study abroad offers an eye-opening experience, allowing me to gain a deeper understanding of diverse cultures and perspectives, thereby promoting a progressive and engaging learning environment. Apart from academic matters, what I enjoy most about the program is the ability to learn and have direct information about job and educational opportunities I was not aware of before. Thus, I highly recommend for my juniors to enroll in

Dhiya Shafira Nurudin | Accounting 2019 | IISMA 2022 Awardee, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Choosing a dual degree or exchange program during university is extremely beneficial for us for a number of different reasons. In my case, being an exchange student in Europe has given me the opportunity to study and learn in different academic environments than in Indonesia, which has expanded my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. One critical aspect for us is selecting the right campus and courses that align with our understanding and passions, into which we want to delve deeper and which will benefit our future careers. It can be beneficial for us to develop cross-cultural competencies and adaptability because it will benefit our career development in the long run. Aside from that, I had a lot of fun building international networks with people I met while studying and making good connections not only with other international students but also with my professors at my host university.

Muhammad Syafri Aminuddin | Accounting 2016 | TBS Education, France

My exchange program to TBS was a pleasant one as I like the environment there. Toulouse hosts approximately 40,000 students, making it France’s city of students, just like Yogyakarta. Moreover, many of Toulouse’s citizens can speak English since many students work as part-time employees at shops and supermarkets there, which is very helpful. After doing the exchange program, I think that international exposure is a not-to-be-missed opportunity.

It is important to go abroad in order to experience different learning methods that the university use as well as to study the unique courses that are different from the courses offered in UGM. Apart from academic matters, the exchange program taught me about international culture. To be more specific, it taught me about France’s culture. Not only the behavior of the people and the common things they do in France, but it also taught me about the political situation, the history, as well as the gastronomy. Moreover, the exchange program enabled me to make new friends from several countries.


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