Visa and Immigration

Types of Visa

Visit Visa

1.Visa on Arrival (VoA)

Foreign nationals can apply for a Visa on Arrival (VoA) upon arrival at Immigration Border Controls in certain airports, seaports, and border posts in Indonesia. The holders of this visa are granted permission to stay in Indonesia for 30 days and it can be extended for another 30 days.

The required documents:

  1. A passport that is still valid for at least 6 (six) months as from the date entry into Indonesia;
  2. Round trip ticket

The following countries are eligible to apply for VoA:

Countries that are eligible to apply for VoA can be seen in here

1. South Africa
2. Albania
United states of America
4. Andorra
5. Arab Saudi
6. Argentina
7. Australia
8. Austria
9. Bahrain
10. Belanda
11. Belarus
12. Belgia
13. Bosnia
14. Brazil
15. Brunei Darussalam
16. Bulgaria
17. Ceko
18. Chili
19. Denmark
20. Ekuador
21. Estonia
22. Filipina
23. Finlandia
24. Hong Kong
25. Hungaria
26. India
27. Inggris
28. Irlandia
29. Islandia
30. Italia
31. Jepang
32. Jerman
33. Kamboja
34. Kanada
35. Kolombia
36. Korea Selatan
37. Kroasia
38. Kuwait
39. Laos
40. Latvia
41. Liechtenstein
42. Lituania
43. Luksemburg
44. Maladewa
45. Malaysia

46. Malta
47. Maroko
48. Meksiko
49. Mesir
50. Monako
51. Myanmar
52. Norwegia
53. Oman
54. Palestina
55. Prancis
56. Peru
57. Polandia
58. Portugal
59. Qatar
60. Rumania
61. Rusia
62. San Marino
63. Selandia Baru
64. Serbia
65. Seychelles
66. Singapura
67. Siprus
68. Slovakia
69. Slovenia
70. Spanyol
71. Suriname
72. Swedia
73. Swiss
74. Taiwan
75. Thailand
76. Timor Leste
77. Tiongkok
78. Tunisia
79. Turki
80. Uni Emirat Arab
81. Ukraina
82. Uzbekistan
83. Vatikan
84. Vietnam
85. Yordania
86. Yunani
87. Kazahkstan
88. Kenya
89. Rwanda

Limited Stay Visa (Visa Izin Terbatas/VITAS)

This type of visa will be received for foreigners coming to Indonesia with a longer period of stay. Once arriving in Indonesia, VITAS will be converted to Limited Stay Permit (ITAS). For students coming to FEB UGM that require a long stay period in Indonesia (minimum 6 months to 2 years length of stay), it is suggested to apply VITAS C316 for study purpose.

The requirement and procedure for applying VITAS C316 are:

  1. Color scan of passport and cover
  2. Passport-size photo (white background)
  3. Letter of Recommendation (issued by home institution)
  4. Financial support statement
  5. Personal statement
  6. Good health statement from applicant’s doctor
  7. Academic record for exchange students and dual degree students or diploma for degree students
  8. Vaccination certificate (full dose)
  9. International Health Insurance
  10. Additional statement letter for visa application


For further information regarding visas, please refer to this website.


Jln. Sosio Humaniora No. 1, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia 55281

Office Hours

Monday to Thursday :
07:30–12:00 am and 13:00-16:00pm
Friday :
07:30–11:30 am and 13:00-16:00pm


+62 274 548510
(extention: 333 or 334)

+62 8112518318


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Outgoing Mobility:

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