HUMLOG Challenge Student Competition 2021

In partnership with the Hanken Schools of Economics’ HUMLOG Institute, the Learners Track features The HUMLOG Challenge, an international virtual competition, focused on developing local solutions to problems related to humanitarian logistics.

This year, The HUMLOG Challenge focuses on Community Disaster Resilience. The Covid-19 pandemic has tested communities across the world on preparedness and resilience. Major hazards such as hurricanes, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, droughts, and landslides, among others, constantly threaten the livelihoods of the most vulnerable populations across the world. In the context of accelerated climate change and population growth, the current trend of frequent major disasters is expected to increase. To mitigate this trend, increased Disaster Resilience and Community Preparedness is essential to reduce the potential impact of humanitarian crises on the poorest communities who are disproportionately affected by these disasters.

Team Formation:

  1. 3-5 students per team
  2. Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students welcome
  3. Team members DO NOT have to be registered at the same school
  4. All majors welcome
  5. Interdisciplinary teams are highly encouraged

Internal Selection Process:
1. Proposal
2. Cover letter
3. CV
4. GPA
5. IELTS/TOEFL (if any)

Content of Proposal:
Each team will prepare a Solutions Package that will incorporate both written and visual elements. Teams will submit a written report and a visual creative illustration. The written report must be no longer than 5 pages in length (double spaced) and must be in English or with English translations. It should be submitted as a Word Document or PDF. It should be separated into the following:

  • Problem Statement:
  • Solution Development and Implementation:

-Strengthening governance to manage disaster risk.

-Reducing disaster vulnerability for resilience.

-Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response.

The presentation should include a visual that can be in any chosen digital format, (Powerpoint, Google Slides, MP4, JPEG, PNG, etc.) but must be in English or with an English Translation and videos must be limited to only 3 minutes in length and identify the following:

  • The region represented
  • Problem identified
  • Proof of research
  • The solution and implementation plan

1. Cash Prize (The 1st place winning team will be offered a 5,000 USD prize, sponsored by the Hanken School of Economics and its HUMLOG Institute, to be used towards continuing education or training.)
2. One-on-One Mentoring
3. Earn a Certificate

Application deadline: September 10, 2021 at 23.59
Send the application to
For further information please contact:
OIA FEB UGM (62 811-2518-318)



Jln. Sosio Humaniora No. 1, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia 55281

Office Hours

Monday to Thursday :
07:30–12:00 am and 13:00-16:00pm
Friday :
07:30–11:30 am and 13:00-16:00pm


+62 274 548510
(extention: 333 or 334)

+62 8112518318


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